Info Session

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Free Introductory Session

August 10th and August 30th, 5:30-7:30pm. Oakland, CA.

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In this fun, educational evening for both students and parents, you will have the chance to experience our unique approach to teaching science. In addition to discussing the logistics and structure of our upcoming fall course The Cosmic Adventure, we will dive right into some fascinating ideas from our curriculum. To give students a taste of our dynamic, holistic program, we will spend an hour exploring:

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The Birth and Challenges of the Human Species

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Is there a purpose or meaning to the human presence on earth?

This evening, we’ll explore whether our empirical discoveries about the earth and the universe hint at useful answers to this question.
To investigate this possibility, we will ask:

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• Where does the human species fit into the evolutionary development of life on earth?

• What transformed us from a typical mammalian species to the planetary power we are today?

• How has the human radically altered the relationship between genetics and behavior?

• What role did symbols, language, and imagination play in the ascent of humanity?

• In what ways does evolution become conscious of itself through the human?

• Why have humanity’s special gifts proved such a challenge to the earth community?

• What does all this tell us about the special power and responsibility of humans on earth?

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This info session will weave together:

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Multi-Media Presentation

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Student-Guided Inquiry

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Experiential Activities


To receive details about the location of this info session, please fill out the form below. If you are interested but can’t make either of these dates, fill out the form and we’ll be in touch about upcoming info session dates this fall. If you have specific questions or concerns, you can also reach us by email at: We look forward to seeing you there!

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Register for our upcoming info session:

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